Technical Details: NPK 00: 20: 55, Nitrogen: 0.0%, Phosphate as P2O5: 20%, Potash K2O: 55%
Mode of Use: Foliar & Drip
Major Crops: Tomato, Chilli, Rice, Cucurbits, Eggplant, Potato, Soya, Cereals and Fruits Trees
1. It helps to recover the deficiency of potash, its first appears as a yellowing of the older leaves’ sides and tips, young leaves are last to show these symptoms.
2. It is compatible with most of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other foliar fertilizers
3. Ensures good fruit size, quality & regularity
4. Helps in regulation of Transpiration
5. Increases Plant resistance to diseases
Dose/acre: Foliar 0.4-0.8 Kg, Drip 1.6-2 Kg